FFW Magazine! - Random Informations


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All what Furries need!





Everybody has that one special friend he goes through all, visits cool places, talks about his feelings, the one you can do the silliest things with and have a good time. You have such a friend and want to thank him for all what he did for you?

Write us an E-mail, an IM or a Message on Facebook why your friend is the best from all! 

You will get a complete page only with your story, pictures and a prize for you two. 

How to apply ?

Simply just send us a picture from you and your best friend by e-mail and write a short text abour why your friend is the best. At the end, 3 of the best text's will be published in the magazine and the readers can choice who will win.  Hurry, send us your story ! :)


You want to open your own business but don't know how ? 

Helpful tricks and feeds on how to make your business work, ad's and lots more stuff will help you to get your business on top!

How to make Ads, what do people buy, how to decorate your store/shop, how to make nice Vendor Textures, Groups and lots of ideas !

We have a 5 Points list on how to make your Store/Shop the best of all! 

Enjoy reading, building and exploring your new abilities ! 


Your a lonely fur and want to get a lovely fur at your side, but everything you try doesn't work and you get upset if people will ever like you as you like them ?

DON'T WORRY ! Your wonderful! 

10 Tricks for both genders on how to get the fur of your life! 

How should I act when he/she is near ?

What should I say ?

What not ? 

What should I wear ? 

What does he/she say about me when we're together ?

How to make her/him fall in love for me ?

All these and tons of other questions, on our dating page! 

FFW Magazine! 1 Random Informations
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